Gekko 64:64/64:128PR Phased Array &TOFD Instrument
With a 64-channel parallel architecture, Gekko is the only flaw detector offering conventional UT, standard PAUT, TOFD and real-time Total Focusing Method (TFM). Some procedures require standard UT, others TOFD or PA. With Gekko, all UT-techniques are included to offer a versatile and field-ready equipment. Gekko can be used for several applications like weld inspection, corrosion mapping and nozzle inspections.
With a fast SSD hard drive, operators can store large inspection files (10 Gb) and analyze them on the spot using the 10.4’’ touchscreen. Incremented data saving and automatic reports can be customized and exported as PDF files. Data can also be exported for analysis on a PC using the free viewer provided with Gekko.